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To assist the Florida School Boards Insurance Trust and their members in saving lives, limbs, property and claims costs in order to improve our members’ well-being, image, resources and finances. To provide safety, health and risk management consultation, evaluation, training, guidance and claims control to our members.
Prepare and provide communication such as letters, reports, presentations, memos and phone calls on the members’ current physical condition, documentation, history, future condition and plans that may have an effect on the members’ current and future loss potential to assist the Trust’s leadership in making good business decisions.
Provide technical support to assist members in complying with safety/ health, employment practice regulations, claim management, emergency preparedness/disaster recovery and make recommendations that will reduce losses and solve member problems associated with losses. By using consultation skills, sharing knowledge and experience, and impressing the advantages of recommendations so that we can affect positive change in reducing, controlling or eliminating losses for the members.
Provide or obtain services such as classes, seminars, workshops, presentations or lectors in order to assist members in reducing, controlling or eliminating losses or providing service to the member. We understand the training and educational services the member requires, needs or requests and provide same. Use consultation skills to find the best way to fulfill the members’ needs. Online training via is available for all member districts covering a range of compliance training required for your employees.
FSBIT uses a targeted loss control approach to best serve our members. Losses are caused by specific actions or conditions. By targeting those, real losses can be prevented.
Targeted Loss Control is a means of:
- Targeting where the losses are occurring with trend reporting and inspection
- Isolating the root cause
- Identifying specific corrective actions
- Offering recommendation assistance to make those corrective actions
- Monitoring the results to ensure desired effects are acheived
Safety Analysis
The first step. This method is used to identify, analyze and record existing or potential safety and health hazards. FSBIT Safety Specialists make recommendations for actions and procedures to eliminate or reduce these hazards.
Loss Analysis
FSBIT Safety Specialists use statistical trends or patterns to find the actual locations, materials, machines, equipment, tools and operations that cause the highest frequency or largest severity of loss. This gives our members a target to concentrate on, ultimately reducing or eliminating future loss from the same root cause.
Claims Service and Consultation
FSBIT Claims Adjusters work closely with member contacts to assure the district knows what to do and when to do it before and after a loss occurs. They assist the district as they go through their steps to assure not only is the district’s property loss, injured employees, injured students and visitors are cared for, but that the claim is expertly handled. This process is completed in conjunction with the district contact, legal counsel, SIU, providers and vendors, the injured employee, student or visitor with the ultimate goal of making the injured party and district whole again in the most cost effective way and in accordance with state law.
Active Shooter Exercise / Coordination
Our safety specialists have put together a coordinated package to assist our member school districts with coordinating their active shooter exercises. Contact us today for more details.
Drone Aerial Survey and Photography
FSBIT now has Federal Aviation Administration certified drone pilots. Aerial imagery is now available for our member districts using Drones. Please contact us today for more details for scheduling.
- Electrical Safety for Custodial & Maintenance Staff
- Playground Supervision
- Back Safety for Custodial and Maintenance Staff
- Common School Safety Hazards
- Hazard Communications Training
- Principal’s Recognition of Hazards
- Breaking Up School Fights
- Proper Lifting for the Instructional Staff
- Model Safety Programs
- WC Claims Trend Analysis
- Safety Analysis and Reports
- Employee Awareness Programs
- CPTED Inspections (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
- Certified Playground Inspections
- Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training Assistance
- Outdoor Lighting Surveys
- Courtesy Fire Inspections
- Sanitation and Casualty Inspections
- Safety Checklist and Audits
- Video Lending Library
- Employee Perception Surveys
- Laboratory Hood Certification
- Microwave and Drench Shower Testing
- WC Claims Investigation
- Ergonomics
- Slips, Trips and Falls
FSBIT Safety Specialists evaluate the current programs implemented by members. Written programs are “live documents” and must be regularly reviewed, adapted and enhanced. FSBIT Safety Specialist assist members to make sure their programs have these basic sections; Commitment/Culture, Identification and Control of Hazards, Responsibility and Accountabilities, Defined Inspections, Incident/Accident Investigation, Training.
Communicating key safety information to staff and students is imperative. FSBIT Safety Specialists will assist you with the following communication initiatives:
- Forming a safety committee
- Creating an in-house newsletter
- Utilizing Safe Schools online training program
- Developing best practices for communicating safety to Board/Superintendent/Employees/Students
Safety and claims educational and instruction sessions may be scheduled when a specific topic becomes important to a member. For example, a member who experiences an increase in the frequency of back injuries would benefit from a session on back safety. Sessions can also be scheduled periodically in advance of requirements and to highlight a subject before the exposure highs are expected. An example being at the beginning of the school year, a member knows that there is an increase in strain and sprains because of furniture movement.
- The best way to quickly recover from a disaster is to be prepared for it and know how to make the emergency management system work for you.
- FSBIT Safety Specialists will review your existing district-wide and school-specific emergency plans to ensure they are complete and cover all appropriate areas.
- They can assist with developing training and exercises on those plans for all categories of school district staff.
- After a disaster, either man-made or natural, FSBIT can ease recovery efforts by providing consultation services to district officials regarding the emergency management process to ensure their needs are met efficiently and accurately, so district activities can continue without delays.
FSBIT Safety Specialists and Claims Adjusters are proficient in assisting members with emergencies.
- Prompt accident investigations are conducted to identify facts about the loss, find the root cause (not just the surface cause) and record those findings.
- Using this information, targeted corrective actions can be taken to reduce or eliminate future losses of the same type.